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Monthly Archive: November 2011


Below and Beyond Mount Kenya

Following on from the successful 2009 Below and Beyond Machu Picchu Expedition ( to Peru, the team were looking for another destination that would offer excellent whitewater, adventure and a break from the British weather. After some research we had a destination that fitted all of our criteria – Kenya. The destination gave us everything we were looking …

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Thomas Trip to the US and Canada

In August and September Thomas Motz went with his frinds for 2 month to the USA. After some nice Runs in Washington they drove to Boise where they paddled the North Fork of the Payett. On their way up north they also did the Wenatchee. A really great experience was the decent of the Homathko.


Chasing Rainbows

Rivers come and rivers go, one eddy flows to the next wave – we make our choices and move on. Never stopping, restless and awaiting. It is the drive to go with the river that takes us to its heart – moving us onwards to its end. Dirty and dusty after over night bus rides, …

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