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Silvermoon Shop & Glacier National Park


After spending a month in Colorado, we are traveling to some of the best spots in Montana to visit Pyranha dealers and explore the local rivers.  Most recently the crew was fortunate to spend some time in Kalispell, MT and nearby Glacier National Park.  Bob of Silver Moon Kayak Company organized a ‘Demshitz’ movie premier at his shop and a kayak trip down the Middle Fork of the Flathead, which borders Glacier National Park.  Thanks to Bob for pulling this great day together with such short notice!  It was great to paddle such a beautiful river with a great group of people and later experience true hospitality at his terrific shop.


The crystal clear waters of the Middle Fork of the Flathead



The great crew that showed up to paddle the river with us



Silver Moon Kayak Company 

Bob runs this super cool shop.. check it out

He’ll be able to help you out with any of your whitewater or flatwater paddling needs.



“Welcome Team Pyranha”



Successful ‘Demshitz’ movie premier



Some of the amazing scenery we experienced driving through Glacier National Park



Waterfall training for the Pyranha van