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Black forest weekend

PrägbachSince my last post, some kind of winter did come by, we had a few good days in the snow, but i never stopped dreaming of paddling.
This weekend was rainy and warm again, so i called up two friends, ron and luc, and quickly we decided to head to marco schlink in freiburg, and go paddle in the black forest, where rivers generally only get water in wintertime.
I was specially excited, because it would be my first time in my AMMO S.
Friday morning we paddled the upper and middle Alb, a very nice gorge in pool-drop style.
In the afternoon, we paddled the lower Wehra at 1m, a very fast, ever-white no-eddy non-stop roadside-run, which tends to look more like fun than hard paddling. So it was only after the take-out that ron and luc understood why i talked them out of running the harder upper part, called parkinglot-run.

At night in Freiburg we mit Simon Hirter. On Saturday we went to the Murg and Hundsbach , which was nice too, but not too spectacular, and cold rainy weather.

The Highlight surely was on Sunday, where we were joined by mäx lang, and had marco, ron and Jakob take pictures.
First we went to the Prägbach, a very small creeklet, where we were scraping over rocks every few meters, and still it was very nice i think, because it had some nice drops in it, and i really loved the scenery, sun shining through moss covered trees and small bedrock canyons.

Next we went to the Wehra again, and with the Waterlevel dropped to 88cm or so, we decided to put in above the infamous parkinglot-run, which adds to the speed of the lower part some more gradient with distinct drops, and more holes to get stuck in.
Luc did not have a good day, and the second time that he got stuck in a hole and run over by simon hirter, he broke his paddle, and had to abort the run.
Mäx, me and Simon all had sweet lines, and big smiles when we arrived at the take-out.

Now there were already a few Reviews of the AMMO. To these, i can add, that for a 60kg rider like me, the AMMO S is a perfect fit. I also use the Burn M, but for what we did here, the AMMMO was perfect, obviously made for wet stairs like Prägbach and freeride-play like on the Murg, i also felt very good on the Vera, which was serious steep whitewater, i was never missing speed or volume, it was just perfect, and i got some jealous looks from my buddies ;-))
First Drop on the Prägbach, Photo by Marco Schlink.
Prägbach first drop

First drop on the Prägbach, Photo by Jakom Käfer.
Prägbach first drop

Last drop on the Prägbach, Photo by Marco Schlink.

Last drop on the Prägbach, Photo by Marco Schlink.

the steep part on the Wehra begins… Photo by Jakob Käfer
the steep part on the Vera begins...

Somewhere on the Wehra’s steeper part, Photo by Jakob Käfer
Somewhere on the Vera's steeper part

The Wehra ‘flattens out’, Photo by Jakob Käfer
The Vera 'flattens out'

For more photos and a report in german, visit Marco’s Site.

Ron also did put up some Images.

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