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So the Green’s not running…

but here at the Pyranha warehouse some of us still found a way to capture some quality carnage! Out and about in our PYRANHA RANGER doing some fishin’ down behind the Kayak Depot on the French Broad river.

Our fishin’ hole down by the KAyak Depot had a sweet seal launch spot for the canoe.

Prepared for Launch
Here we are testing out the Ranger’s seal launching capabilities… Not sure whether it was the pitch in the launch site or the angle in which we stuck the landing-Dinver mentioned the launch is known for flipping boaters. We fell for it hook line and sinkr.

 ...not good

The trip wasnt a total bust. Justin caught a nice little sunny. Couldn’t get a picture because the camera was drying out on shore. Still a successful mission.

quick grab the beer!

Pictures courtesy of: Isaac Ludwig