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Tag Archive: Dee


British Universities Kayaking Expedition 2024 – Selection Event

The British Universities Kayaking Expeditions have taken place every two years (with a break for COVID) since 2005. No rain makes the weekend a lot more labour-intensive, so it was with enormous relief that this year the rain gods were smiling on us!


British Universities Kayaking Expedition 2017 – Selection Event

The British Universities Kayaking Expeditions have been running every other year since 2005, and the teams selected have chosen all manner of interesting destinations to explore, from Siberia in the north, to Madagascar in south. Venezuela in the west to Vietnam in the east. Students from around the country are invited to submit paper applications which …

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Dee River Festival 2012

The inaugural Dee River Festival took place on 24th/25th March, at Mile End Mill on the Dee. Whilst the rain gods were otherwise engaged meaning low water levels, this did mean that the sun was out in force for the entire weekend making for an incredibly relaxed weekend of boating, beers and banter. Beth going …

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