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Escaping Winter!

Tom & I are about halfway through our tour around New Zealand.  We arrived in Auckland on New Years Day and have been steadily heading South since then following the water.  New Zealand has some world class kayaking and is such a chilled country.  We have hit some classic North Island runs, Murchison & the West Coast so far and plan to head further South in the next few days before return North hitting the ones we missed. 

Bulller   Murchison Camping

Murchison chilled boating and camping.

dsc_0142   Upper Styx

My first heli ride into the Upper Styx, Tom & Alaska Andy nailing some sweet lines.

Heli Ride!   Arahura Classic Photo Spot.

Arahura River is a West Coast Classic, amazing run through Billards and Cesspit!


Well earnt rest!!