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Floodwater Dreams

When the days get colder and the green trees slowly turn into a nice orange color, it´s the time oft the year that my stomache begins to shake. It´s the time oft the year when i drive my car tot he infamous Ötz Valley in Austria. The low waterlevels make it possible to paddle nice sections of Ötz and Venter river. This year  my stomache began to shake a little bit earlier in August. I decided to go to Ötz Valley in summertime what i didn´t make in the last five years. You can´t run the classic low level sections but a lot of other sections which become fast and pushy rollercoaster runs. If you want to paddle high quality big volume rivers, this is your destination in summertime in Austria.

All the runs look pretty ugly with dark brown glacier water which temperature is slightly over zero degrees and it´s hard to find a rock that it´s not sharp like a knife.  Swimming is no option here.

But at least it´s keeps you young and fresh when you scare yourselve once a day

Enjoy some photos and the video of upper Ötz, middle Ötz, lower Venter and Pitzbach

Cheers Timo